GlareAway™ eyewear offers four quality clip-on lenses for varying light conditions, a choice of five frame colors with patented glare protection. Why pay and carry four sets of sunglasses when GlareAway™ does it all for less!
GlareAway™ eyeware are effective indoors under bright lights without a lenses!
Call 561-562-6618 for additional saving on multi unit purchases!
The patented eyewear is not another style of conventional sunglasses!
We offer the
Perfect Solution
GLARE is a visual sensation caused by excessive and uncontrolled brightness. It can be disabling or simply uncomfortable. It is subjective, and sensitivity to glare can vary widely. Older people are usually more sensitive to glare due to the aging characteristics of the eye. Disability glare is the reduction in visibility caused by intense light sources in the field of view, while discomfort glare is the sensation of annoyance or even pain induced by overly bright sources.
Eye glare cannot be eliminated with sunglasses with or without reflective or coated lenses without cutting down vision. Millions of people worldwide suffer from glare due to bright sunlight, automobile headlights, and artificial lighting while shopping.
A new patented approach is offered with designs that have been devised by a physicist, Martin Welt, PhD, in order to find a cost effective solution for his own eye glare problem.
Millions of people worldwide suffer from glare due to bright sunlight, automobile headlights, and artificial lighting while shopping. Sun glare can occur at home, at work, in a vehicle, and outdoors, but GlareAway™ is the only solution on the market!